
Wednesday 22 February 2012

Today is the 1st of Canterbury anniversary day.This is the day that the earthquake stroke Canterbury and a lot of people died and we had to minutes silents thinking of how sad it was that people died.Heaps of people died in cars,trucks,buildings,and even buses. on the news I saw people chucking roses in water to miss those people that in the earthquake.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Reflection of a celery in food coluoring

We did a experiment about green healthy celery in amazing blue food coloring.We decided if it was going to turn into blue food coloring in the celery but only some of the blue food coloring went in the holes and the skin of the celery.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Austin's Holiday

It was fun to be back at Glenbrae school.  We didn't have to go to another school because we had a vote and we are having year 7 and year 8.
In the holidays I went to Mt Smart Stadium to do athletics for Eastern and Harrier Club and I came third place in the 2000 metre race. We had to go around the track 5 times because 1 lap was 400 meters.