
Wednesday 14 December 2011

Chinese Alligators (Yangtzee alligator)

Chinese alligator's teeth are good for crushing hard shells and clams and other mollusks. This alligator eats fish. A Chinese alligator weighs 88 pounds and it is 4 1/2 to 6 feet long.The alligator lives where there are rivers,swamps,streams,ponds,and lakes in Central China.It eats Big Fish,Snails,Clams,Rats,and Ducks.You've probably heard of a lion's roar,but reptiles roar too.Some crocodilians,like the Chinese alligator,will roar loudly to scare off intruders.

American Alligators

The Alligator's tail is about the same length as its body. An Alligator's tail is used to swim, as a weapon,and to dig holes.A Alligator weighs from about 450 to 1 000 pounds.The Alligator is 13 to 18 feet from head to tail.An Alligator lives where warm wetlands are with swamps that are shallow. It lives  in the southeast United states. Alligator's food is lizards,fish,turtles,crustaceans,small mammals,and birds.

New Zealand breakers crush Taipans

Now the New Zealand Breakers go face to face in the Semi finales against the Perth Wildcats and if they win they go to the Finals.So come on and vote that the breakers will win against their challengers Perth Wildcats in the Semi Finals.But you know anyway the Breakers will win by a very close score from the Perth Wildcats.

Monday 12 December 2011

Awesome! Room 7 and 8 went cycling on Thursday the 8th and Friday the 9th of November .The company called Big Foot taught us how to make sure our bikes were safe to ride on. Our leaders were Eddie and Johnny.They helped us put on our helmets and made sure they fitted properly. We also made sure our brakes worked and we learnt to use our back brake first then your front one because if you do your front brake first, you might flip over and be badly hurt. If you're near a road, you have to get on your bike the left side because on the right is the road and if you get on your bike the right on and fall off your head might get run over by cars that are on the road.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

A humungous flood

In the south island on the West Coast there was a flood. Houses were taken down by big floods that were 6-8 metres high.Helicopters were used to save some people that were in the flood.Cars were not to go on the roads because some of the water was high and would go over the car so roads were closed

Tuesday 8 November 2011


Niue is a great country because there are nice people there and they don't swear either. I come from Nuie and I think it is a cool country to me to visit because I jump off big cliffs with my cousins and we do humongous bombs and the water splashes high as. Then we do it again and again.

Monday 7 November 2011


On Saturday 5th November, it was Guyfawks.We lit fireworks and I saw the fireworks on top of my roof. When I looked around I saw heaps of Fireworks going off. There were roman candles everywhere.
Fireworks are great to look at but every year people tie cats or puppies to fireworks and light them off. That is mean because the cat or dog didn't do anything to you.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

On Wednesday 2nd November I went on this site called MathsMagician.It has all of division,addition,subtraction,and all of them joined together and you have to answer 100 questions in 5 minutes.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

All Blacks winning the world cup 2011

The All Blacks Have won the Rugby World Cup 2011
and they haven't lost any of there games not even
one game they've lost.
They are the 2011 Rugby World Cup champions.
I went to watch the All Blacks game at the
White cloud in Down Town.
I am so happy The All Blacks
won the game for the cup.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

maths magician

I went on mathemagician and I scored 100% completed in 40 minutes and that was my 6-division tables.I couldn't pass it but now I know my 6 division tables.Now I have to score 95 or 100% in my 7 division tables.I hope I score a 100% in my 7 division tables.

Thursday 25 August 2011

The maths machine

I went on a maths game called digital learning objects.I didn't know how to play.Then it talled me the instructions,how much bolt gear and how much top gear.That's what you have to figure out.You have to figure out how much top and bolt gear the machine has.It is very tricky and has heaps of different parts to the machine.I can figure it out very clearly and easier for me.It is very fun for me playing it and it helps my learning alot.That's how I am good at maths

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Activity book

On The 24.08.11 I got a Ruggers-land Activity book to do Activity's on and it was fun.We were Coloring in the activity's like an all black wall paper.It was Amazing seeing how many teams were taking part and 20 teams are coming to New Zealand.There are games in this Ruggers Activity book.There are heaps of Activity's in this book.It is very fun having this activity book and I think I can enjoy it.

Monday 22 August 2011

On the Weekends

On Saturday I went to work at my job which is up the road from my house. It is called Elstree Mowers. I can repair lawnmowers when they have a problem. This is how I fix lawnmowers. First I check the oil. If it is pitch black, I change it. Next I check the filter and if it is dirty I change it and put a new clean filter in. I check the spark plug to see if it has oil inside it. If it has, I change that as well. Finally, I take it out and start it to see if it goes.
I got paid 20 dollars for doing my job. I decided to bank 15 dollars and spend 5 dollars on myself.
After work I went home home and watched the rugby league -the Warriors game. I only watched some of it but the Warriors won the game.

Parts of little tiny animals

I have been learning about animals since term 3.
I am having a fun time searching for mini beasts and there is only 15 maybe 10.Bugs were not coming out today I do not know why.Bugs usually come almost every day.I have just been learning about special parts of little animals like bees,flies,wasps,or even centipedes.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

lion keeper

This drawing shows a lion keeper.
We are learning/studying about animals and I chose a Lion keeper. Lion keepers take very good care because if there wasn't a lion keeper the lion would break out of its cage without anyone noticing and then go off on it's own and hunt for its prey to eat.
A male lion has to meet a female lion to mate so they can make cubs which are little baby lions.
Lions are very dangerous because they can come to you and just eat you straight away and you will be dead.

The zoo keeper looking after 2 cubs

The zookeeper is holding 2 baby cubs that have just been born.
I am learning about animals and I picked this picture cause it is so cute.
These cubs are called twins. They are being held by a Zoo keeper. The white lion is called a mammal.A mammal is an animal that gives birth to live babies.

Monday 15 August 2011

This is a cake and I am trying to figure this cake out.I went on this website called digital learning objects nzmaths.Then I clicked on number level 3.Then go to Fraction fiddle.Then click on fraction fiddle:matching cake fraction.Then I clicked to show the same as the cake.Then it would show something like 3/4,4/5,2/4,or8/7 then you have to guess which is the correct one.Then it will show you how you figured it out.

Snow in Wellington

This is the north of Wellington.It has snow falling but it usually doesn't have this
much snow falling down like this.
In Wellington cars are in danger because the snow is slippery and cars can crash. The roads are very dangerous and can cause bad accidents . Maybe enormous snow balls will sometimes roll off mountains onto people's cars and kill the people in the car.Snow can cause very bad storms and people can die.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Welcome to my blog

HI! welcome to my blog. My favourite colours are red, green and yellow. My favourite subject at school is maths because I am good at maths and I am in the top group. The best thing about having my own blog is being able to share my work with the world and getting comments about it.