
Thursday 26 September 2013

Great Barrier Island

At camp on Monday we did kayaking and we had to wear a wet suit and had a dry bag for our dry clothes.We kayaked to the orange cone which was 1000m away from the shore.We kayaked to BBQ bay.Then we played a game called buddies up.I won the game because I was fast.Then we kayaked back to the camp site in karaka bay.Then we went swimming.It was so much fun because we could bomb.Then on the second day we went to the indoor rock climbing and we were bee layers for our friends.Then we went  on a 4 kilometer bush walk.I hated doing that but I succeeded.It was so tiring walking up and down hills and jumping over deep holes.We help each other when we were stuck and worked as a team.On the third day we went up to the high ropes.I was the first to complete both rope course challenges.I walked the first course and climbed the second one.

Great Barrier Island

Wow 6 in the morning far out I was still tired but I just made it.Then we got on the bus and set off to the ferry in the city.There we got off the bus and aboarded the ferry.There were cars and other vehicles too.It was a nice ferry because you could go to the top off the top and see the beautiful view.On the way we saw a whole family of dolphins in front of the ferry.It took us 3 hours to reach great barrier.We went past coramandle island and little barrier island.Jurasic park was filmed at little barrier island.When we got there we took a bus and it took us 1 hour to get to karaka bay.The camp was in Orama and was called Sir Edmund Hillary Camp

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Pumping Pedals

“ Pumping Pedals” by Maggie Lilleby
SJ Part 4 Number 3 2004
1. Recall
Give a brief summary of the story.
A girl that watches BMX and then starts doing it to win championships
2. Infer
What kind of a person is Sally Davies? Tell why you think this.
She is a girl that is into doing BMX
3. Evaluate
Explain why you think the author entitled the story as “Pumping Pedals”
The author named the article Pumping Pedals because there’s a lot of pedaling in it.
4. Think about it
Why do you think Sally would like to attract more girls to the sport of BMX racing?
So it’s fair that anyone can do BMX
5. Recall
How are the bikes designed and what are they made of?
Lightweight aluminium, titanium, or carbon fibre.They are smaller than mountain bikes.They have small wheels with thick, chunky tyres.
6. Think about it.
Why did Sally groan as she remembered her first racing bike?
Cause she didn’t know how hard you have to work to achieve BMXing.
7. Please explain the racing technique called “pumping” and why it might be important?
“Pumping Pedals”   It might be that name because you have to pump your legs on the pedals
8. Do you think BMX racing is a dangerous sport. Tell why or why not you think this.
I kinda think BMX racing is dangerous because you never know the person in front of you is gonna swizzle and the bumps that are on the tracks.
9. Synthesize
Please tell what you liked most about the story and why or why not you would like to be a BMX racer.I like BMX because you have fun and it can be exercise for your calf muscles.You will also have so much fun and meet new friends.
10. Design a flyer to attract and introduce new riders to the sport. Be sure to tell when and where it meets and what equipment is required. When you are finished please upload to your blog.

Thursday 12 September 2013


Monster trucks

Battle of Monster Trucks Battle of the Monster Trucks
Write down the name of the author -
Who took the photos -

Why are monster trucks awesome? Because they crush small cars.

What is Bigfoot? A monster truck

What happens at a monster truck competition? They do lots of stunts

How many monster trucks are in New Zealand? 1

What is the name of the monster truck in New Zealand? Kiwi thunder

Explain what the driver does in a monster truck competition
Goes up a ramp and crushes the cars flat like a pancake.

Research what type and size of tyres monster trucks use.
They are 43 inches wide.

Pretend you own a monster truck, plan a monster truck competition and invite other monster truck owners to attend. Think about where you will have the competition, when, how much it will cost to watch. Create a poster to advertise your monster truck competition.

Great barrier island

Great Barrier Island- Do some research to find information on Great Barrier Island. Support your work with pictures.

1 Where is Great Barrier Island, and how long does it take us to get there by ferry? How long does it take us to get there by airplane?2-3 hours

2. How big is Great Barrier Island, and what is its’ population?285 km

3. What is Great Barrier Island like, and what are many of the things people enjoy doing there?They usually swim and kayak.

4. What is the Maori name for Great Barrier Island , and who were the first people to live there. Aotea Maoris

5. When did the first Europeans arrive and what kind of activities took place there at that time.
1838 after world war ll
6. Find out the details behind the SS Wairarapa shipwreck, and what did it have to do with the Great Barrier Island?It must of sunk because it had a big hole on the side of it

7. What birds and plants are native to the Great Barrier Island?
goldfinches, yellowhammers, larks, house, mountain and road sparrows.
daisy, rata plant, kowhai plant
8. What are the geographic features of the Great Barrier Island? What is its’ tallest point?The white cliffs in the eastern beach

9. How long would it take us to walk across the Great Barrier Island?100km 12 days.36 hours

10.  As an island how does the Great Barrier rank in size compared to other New Zealand Islands?it is the sixth biggest island in new zealand

Wednesday 11 September 2013

All About Me

My name is Austin and I am a proud Niuean.I am 13 years old and I study at Glenbrae School.When I grow up I want to join the Army and fight for NZ lives.My Father and my Mother come from Niue.I love my parents because they have a huge loving responsibility and that is caring and looking after me.John Talafasi is my great and wonderful dad.He cares and helps me.I love my dad like he loves me.Siale Soloma is my favourite and best mum in the world.She always help’s me and loves me too.Justin is my little brother.He is creative and loves sports.He plays touch with us and sometimes wants to play held.I love him and he is the bestest brother in the world.Sina is my great and awesome sister.She plays with me and always picks me to play on her team.What a wonderful sister she is.Miss raj is always great to me.She cares and helps me with my learning.She teaches me new things I haven’t learnt before.Miss Silver is my main teacher and she helps me and always makes sure I finish work and hand it in on time.The things I’m good at are writing and maths,I still need to improve on my spelling and reading.My best friend is lisiate and he always plays and supports me every step of the way.He is the bestest in the world.I am going to study hard at University and find a really good and Excellent.I want to be a great person in the future and live life as a handsome man.I am going to take good care of my parents when they get old.I want to have a great job and live good in the future.There are a lot of choices that I want to make when I finish studying at University.

I want to be away from bad people like window washers.In 20 years I want to be a great father and have a good children that go to school everyday and not stay at home alday.
Wow! In just a few short years this could be me.I really want this to happen so I have a good life being.I want my kids to grow in a great school and have a good education.When they grow up I want them to be like me.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Rippa Rugby

Wow! What amazing Rippa Rugby we had this morning.I learnt how to pass and play rippa rugby.Everyone had fun and scored many tries.What an amazing sport Rippa is.Then we played Octopus for a warm up game.I was the only one standing.It was really cool and fun.Then we had to run and the person at the back of us had to rip our tag of our belts.I lost 2 times and I didn’t rip the tag off my patners belt.It was an amazing morning.

Monday 2 September 2013

Why Kids Use Drugs

   Why kids use drugs

Why is it that kids are addicted to drugs? A lot of kids in many societies are addicted to doing drugs.Some kids love and will continue doing drugs when they are older.There are many types of different drugs that kids use.Like marijuana and cocaine.This drug use is affecting their bodies, their minds, and ruining their lives.
I believe drug abuse should stop because it’s dangerous to children’s minds, Dangerous to their bodies, and ruining their lives.
Poisoning a young developing mind is never a good thing
Furthermore, drug abuse is affecting their minds.They will not know how to make good decisions and won’t have a good job.
Dangerous to young bodies and messes up it’s mind
In addition, drug affects the lungs in your body and you would feel very weak and not wanting to do nothing at all.
Also, drug diseases affect what you're doing for a job.It will affect your life forever and you're brain will be totally ruinned.
I want kids to be in a better place and think about what they’re doing before they do it.
Finally, kids should think what they want when they are older.But with drugs in the way they won’t achieve and get what they want.Just imagine a world you're living in that drugs are free and could do any drugs when you want.
Finally drug abuse ruins kids health, mind, bodies,and their lives.Personally I feel that kids should
think the right way and think about their education and their lives not the wrong way going straight into drugs because in the world kids will die young.Just imagine you lived without drugs in the world.It would be a safer place for everyone and people ould live great lives.

Phil's machines

Phil’s Machines
Who wrote the article -
Who took the photos for the article -
What did Phil love when he was a boy?Digging holes in the mud

What is a dirt bank?It is a dirt on a slope

What did Phil do when he left school?Built roads and dug holes for pools

How many diggers does Phil own?He owns 4 diggers.
How many people work for Phil?2 people

Why did Phil get tired of seeing other people’s names on the side of the truck?Because he was doing more and harder work.

Does Phil work long hours?Yes 8-10 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Why?To gain more credits each day.

What safety gear do the workers wear?A bright orange helmet and a bright green vest with orange reflective tape.

Why is it important to wear these?So the driver in the digger sees you and won’t get hurt.

On page 24-25 parts of the machines and its functions are listed. Write down each part and explain what it does.
Rock breaker:Smashes rocks
Mulcher:Chew branches into little pieces
Ripper:It rips up the hard rocks and ground
Root rake:Clearing sticks and branches
Bucket:Scoops up dirt
Tree grab:Removes and stacks trees.

Phil is looking for more employees. Apply for the job and write a letter to Phil telling him about you and what you can do for the job.