
Monday 12 December 2011

Awesome! Room 7 and 8 went cycling on Thursday the 8th and Friday the 9th of November .The company called Big Foot taught us how to make sure our bikes were safe to ride on. Our leaders were Eddie and Johnny.They helped us put on our helmets and made sure they fitted properly. We also made sure our brakes worked and we learnt to use our back brake first then your front one because if you do your front brake first, you might flip over and be badly hurt. If you're near a road, you have to get on your bike the left side because on the right is the road and if you get on your bike the right on and fall off your head might get run over by cars that are on the road.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very clear explanation Austin. I think you have used specific verbs and correct vocabulary to make your ideas clear. You sound as though you will be safe on your bike from now on.


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