
Wednesday 14 December 2011

Chinese Alligators (Yangtzee alligator)

Chinese alligator's teeth are good for crushing hard shells and clams and other mollusks. This alligator eats fish. A Chinese alligator weighs 88 pounds and it is 4 1/2 to 6 feet long.The alligator lives where there are rivers,swamps,streams,ponds,and lakes in Central China.It eats Big Fish,Snails,Clams,Rats,and Ducks.You've probably heard of a lion's roar,but reptiles roar too.Some crocodilians,like the Chinese alligator,will roar loudly to scare off intruders.

1 comment:

  1. You have used some excellent descriptive vocabulary in this post Austin. I sure hope I don't meet one of those reptiles!
    Mrs B


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